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Norfolk Hill, Grenoside, S35 8QB

0114 2467380







Grenoside Primary

The School Day

Start of the Day

It is important that children arrive on time to ensure that they have a settled start to their school day.  If your child is going to be late arriving at school please let us know so we know your child is safe.  Children arriving after the morning bell has sounded should be signed in at the school office by a responsible adult.

The bell rings at 8.45am and the children should be lined up and heading into their classes in the playground.  The class teachers bring the children into school ready for registration.


The compulsory school day runs from 8.45am to 3.15pm, totalling 32.5hours each week.
8.35am   School Gates opened (locked again at 9.00am).

Morning bell sounds - children enter school with a member of staff for registration.

Morning tasks ensure that children make a productive start to their learning from the very beginning of the day.


Beginning of morning lessons.

As well daily assemblies or singing practice take places during the morning session, and there are staggered morning breaks as well. We encourage children to eat healthy snacks at morning break. This might be a piece of fruit, a snack of vegetables, or a savoury item such as cheese, breadsticks or crackers.

We do not allow sweets and chocolate as a breaktime snack.

Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 (Y1 and Y2) children are offered a free piece of fruit.



There are three options at lunchtime, and parents are free to choose whichever is most convenient for them. Children can:

- stay for a school dinner,

- bring a packed lunch, or

- go home at lunchtime.

Most of our children remain on site during lunchtime.

If children bring a packed lunch from home we ask that they are a healthy balanced meal.  They should contain no sweets, nuts or sugary drinks.  Please note, we do not allow any nut products to be brought into school.


Beginning of afternoon lessons.

Children also take part in staggered Daily Miles during the afternoon.

3.15pm             End of school 


Home Time

The school day ends at 3.15pm.  Parents are invited to wait on the school playground or by the main entrance to collect their children from 3.00pm onwards.

We ask that a responsible adult is available to collect their child every day. 

If your child is older (Y5/Y6) and you wish for them to leave the school site independently please contact the school office to give your consent.

Please make sure you tell a member of staff who will be collecting your child and if there are any changes to the normal routine at the start of the school day. 

If due to unforeseen circumstances you are late, children will be sent to the school office to wait. Please inform the school office as soon as possible if you know you are going to be late.