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Norfolk Hill, Grenoside, S35 8QB

0114 2467380







Grenoside Primary

School Uniform



Sweatshirts/cardigans  Navy blue, plain or with school logo
Trousers/shorts     Dark: black, navy blue, grey – full length (no jeans)
Shorts     Dark: black, navy blue, grey (no sports shorts or short-shorts)
Skirts/pinafores     Dark: black, navy blue, grey blue of a suitable length
Polo shirts    Emerald green or white, plain or with school logo
Gingham dresses   Blue or emerald green of a suitable length
Footwear     Plain dark coloured sensible shoes with no bright logos, no colourful trainers and please avoid strappy sandals.  No flip-flops or Crocs.
Outdoor clothing    On most days children will be outside during break time and lunch times, please  ensure that suitable outdoor clothing (a coat with a hood) is worn to school each day when the weather is colder and unsettled.

We cannot be responsible for the loss or damage to jewellery worn for school and so request that pupils do not wear jewellery for school. The only exceptions are stud earrings and essential religious items.

Please do not send your child to school with overly-fancy or large headbands and clips. Please save these for weekends, weddings and parties!


No make-up should be worn including false nails and false eye-lashes.

School bags 

There is very little room in the classrooms, so we ask that you do not send your children to school with unnecessarily big bags. 



Please ensure that all items are clearly named


School polo shirts, sweatshirts, P.E kits etc. are available to buy from Logo Leisurewear can be ordered on-line at www.logoleisurewear.com. Many supermarkets also stock sweatshirts and cardigans.  These are perfectly acceptable as long as they are plain navy blue. 


If your child is unable to wear uniform for a day, for any reason, please ensure that they wear the appropriate colours.


Dress For Safety In P.E. Activities

Children should come to school in their P.E. Kit on P.E. Days


  • The school P.E Kit for Y1 - Y6 is dark shorts or jogging bottoms and a T Shirt in the colour of their House - 

    Red for Endcliffe, Green for Graves, Yellow for Millhouses, Blue for Rivelin

  • Foundation Stage children should wear a white T Shirt and dark shorts for P.E. 
  • Unbranded Sweatshirts or tracksuits may be worn for outdoor P.E. lessons when the weather is cold,
  • Usually children will work in bare feet when doing PE in the hall, pumps are required for outdoor work or occasionally in the hall,
  • Jewellery may not be worn for P.E. sessions and must be removed prior to the lesson. If earrings/studs cannot be removed because they have recently been inserted then children will only be allowed to proceed with the lesson if they cover their earrings with tape.  Staff are not permitted to remove or replace earrings in children’s ears,
  • Children in the older classes may have swimming lessons at some time during the year and will need a swimsuit, towel and cap if they have long hair,
  • Children will not be allowed to participate in swimming lessons if they are wearing earrings/studs,
  • All items should be clearly marked with the child’s name and kept in a drawstring bag.