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Norfolk Hill, Grenoside, S35 8QB

0114 2467380







Grenoside Primary

Parent/carer workshops

In EYFS we teach phonics and children to read through a systematic synthetic programme called- Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. Children are taught to read and spell words using Phase 2 and 3 Grapheme/Phoneme correspondence (GPC). In the Autumn term we hold a workshop for parents to come and watch a phonics lesson live! This is then followed by an in depth look at all the different parts of phonics learning that the children in Owls and Hedgehogs we undertake in their reception year. This will include how we teach phonemes, graphemes, blending sounds to read, segmenting words to write, how we assess the children’s understanding, how we select reading books that are accurate to the reading level of the child, and how to get the most out of reading at home!

Parents have found this workshop extremely helpful to attend in prior years. This is what thy have had to say;

“Really happy with the session. It was lovely to see the children in class and what they are doing delivered so well.”

“The session was very informative and it’s great to understand how they are being taught.”


Maths Workshop:

In EYFS at Grenoside we focus on the following areas number, numerical patterns and shape, space and measure. We teach maths every day of the week with activities always available to the children in continuous provision. This ensures the Children leave Owls and Hedgehogs with all the building blocks they will need to be successful maths learners throughout school.

Once a year we hold a workshop where we introduce how we teach maths in EYFS in line with the White Rose Maths program used throughout school. Parents then have the chance to watch their children in action, completing maths activities in class!

Each child will also have access to Numbots. This is an online maths learning website where the children can play maths games that aid there learning in school.

Parent have found the maths workshop very helpful in previous years. Here is what they’ve had to say:

“Thank you for sharing methods to enable me to support my child at home with his maths.”

“The workshop was fantastic. It is so useful to find out about all these resources. It was wonderful to go into the classroom and do the activities with the children.”