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Norfolk Hill, Grenoside, S35 8QB

0114 2467380







Grenoside Primary

Applying for School Places September 2025 FAQs


Please contact the school office if you wish to book a visit 0114 2467380.

At Grenoside, we do our best to keep parents and carers as informed and we hope some of the FAQs below will help clear up any confusion.

If you wish to speak with someone, please call the school office on 0114 2467380.

I would like my child to start Early Years at Grenoside in September 2025.  What do I do?

Book a time for showround!

You can simply apply online at https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/schools-childcare

Please see the following link for information on our website https://www.grenoside.sheffield.sch.uk/Prospective-Starter-for-September-/

If you have any queries after looking through our website, we have set up a specific email for prospective parents: newstarters@grenoside.sheffield.sch.uk.  We ask that you be clear in the subject heading that your query is for September 2025 starters.

Where can I find information about the Early Years is like at Grenoside?

Please feel free to explore our website by clicking here 


and here https://www.grenoside.sheffield.sch.uk/Foundation-Stage-10012017102443/ 

and then exploring the side tabs.

If you wish to speak with someone, please call the school office on 0114 2467380.

What can I do to help my child get ready to start school?

As well as teaching your child to wash their hands well and have good respiratory hygiene, please click here for the slides about Early Years.

What are the children expected to bring each day?

When your child starts school, we ask that they are sent with their book bag, a named water bottle, (a healthy snack if desired but school does provide one regardless), their reading book and key words list.

 What about the school day?  

School starts at 8:45am and finished at 3:15pm for children in Foundation Stage. 

Drop-off and collection is outside the Foundation Stage entrance, through your child’s class teacher’s door. 

What do I do if my child is late to school?

Please enter through the main entrance, here you will be asked to sign your child in.

What do I do if I am late to collect my child?

Please phone and let the office staff know as soon as possible.

Are there any items not allowed in a packed lunch?

Yes, we do not allow any nut products in school due to children with allergies. (This includes chocolate nut spread e.g. Nutella). We are a healthy school, and encourage fruits, vegetables and healthy snacks. Please do not send your child with sweets or fizzy drinks.

How do I find out about my child’s progress in their education?

Your child’s class teacher will regularly update you regarding your child’s progress. At Grenoside, we deliver parents evening, communicate through Google Classroom and hold workshops to inform parents about the lessons delivered at school. You can always get in touch with your child’s class teacher if you have any questions or queries.